Promoting positive social change related to healthy development and learning ‘When I was getting my teacher training masters I was told, you’re a teacher, not a social worker. But there is a social work aspect to the job.’ (Ledra Sun teaches at Delair elementary school in New Jersey, US.) The power of motivation coming from the feeling that what you do as a teacher can make a difference in someone’s life is evident in teachers who claim to enjoy being in this profession. Indeed, It can be an inspiring profession, rather than simply a job, because you use certain tools along with a set of moral standards and values which can literally change people’s lives. Societies have the school systems they deserve. Emile Durkheim, the French Sociologist, argued that educational systems reproduce society’s values, norms and beliefs, and therefore he rejects the idea that education can transform society and resolve social problems.( Durkheim, 1897/1951: 372-373). In ess...
Writing for self-illumination and exploration..